OpenBuilds Site Sees New Milestones

OpenBuilds Site Sees New Milestones

Thanks to you makers and builders out there the OpenBuilds® site recently surpassed 300 builds to share with the member community! 

Another milestone we are proud to announce is our number of site members has grown to over 20,000 as of this month! 

A big THANKS to all those who have posted their builds, its really awesome to see the creativity and ideas that come along with the opensource sharing we enjoy at OpenBuilds®. It is just phenomenal how our community has grown worldwide in such a short period of time!

Also growing in number is our assortment of genuine OpenBuilds® parts

Thanks to all member input and collaboration as the old saying "necessity is the mother of invention" our store has grown along as we develop the highest in quality genunie OpenBuilds Parts to support your builds. 

Keep the builds coming; it seems there is no limit to the dreams and innovation out there in the sharing community,we're excited to see what the future holds!

-OpenBuilds Team

Sep 30th 2015 OpenBuilds Team

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